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Texting vs Calling: Impact of location on the choice of communication

In our fast-moving world, there are multiple factors that influence the choices we make while choosing between the most detailed options. With the increasing popularity of cell phones, one such case would be when choosing a mode of communication medium, the context of information plays a huge factor. In this case study, I conduct a diary study on how location plays a factor in influencing our choice of communication between texting and calling. I found through this study that there are many sub-factors such as ethics, comfort, context, and many other factors that influence the choice between calling and texting at different locations.


In certain situations or locations, user comfort with the mode of communication may vary.  To further understand this and make use of the outcome we conduct a study to diary study.

Study Design


A diary study method was used for this study as it helps gather rich qualitative data from the activities performed every day while the memory is still quite fresh.


Five participants of age groups between 20-31 years who were safely and actively moving around the city during this pandemic were remotely recruited to participate in this diary study.


As this was a remote study conducted during the pandemic, participants were given a choice to make their diary entries on a Whatsapp group or a Google docs form.


After recruiting the participants, each was given the freedom to choose among the three digital diaries for data entry. Three participants chose to use the ‘Google form’ while the other two chose the WhatsApp messenger group as their digital diaries. This study was conducted for 7 days as it would cover both weekdays and weekends as the participants had to make entries at the end of each day, every day. A “Good morning” message with a short reminder to keep track of all the communications via their phones throughout their day was sent every morning to motivate the participants. A similar “Good night” message was sent every evening to remind and motivate them to make entries into their diaries. During the third day of the study, small souvenirs were purchased as gifts for each participant and as this was a remote study, images of these gifts with a promise to receive them the next time we met were sent to each participant to motivate them. This proved to be quite helpful to cheer the participants. After the study was over a short interview was conducted to understand their experiences with the diary and explain a few entries to further understand them.



The study shows that although not always, in many instances, the location at which the information is communicated plays a role when choosing between calling and texting. Furthermore, from the study, it was found that other factors such as the context of information and the relationship between participants and their communicatee influence their choices. Further research in this area can help smartphones automatically set notification preferences based on location, context, and relationship with the communicatee.

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